Though it is not technically a new decade, 2010 feels like one to me just as 2000 did. So much has happened for the Poly Movement over the last decade. We have gone from no one knowing the created term to having polyamory included in the dictionary to hearing people in the streets talking about polyamory. It is phenomenal to see the increasing coverage of the subject from articles in major news media on polyamory specifically to the questions being raised about the viability for many of monogamy itself.
All of this is fantastic and yet we have so much more to do. There are still many who do not know that there is any other possibility besides monogamy in loving committed relationships. Most people are afraid to be out to friends, family and especially to their jobs and community. Parents still have to be very cautious in the courts when it comes to custody or dealing with children’s services. Many lawyers, doctors, counselors and other professionals have no idea what polyamory is or how to handle issues that can arise in multi-partnered relationships. At times it feels like there is so much still to do and I know as a community we will get there.
I can’t wait to see what the next decade brings for the polyamory movement and community. We are on the verge of a real shift in society’s perception about relationships and we are all a big part of that shift. I look forward to working toward awareness, education and change over the next decade and to seeing what this amazing community can do.
My thanks go out to the Loving More board members Anita Wagner, Jesus Garcia and board advisors Alan M, Ken Haslam and Joe Melhado for all their help and support.
Sending you all love, laughter and hugs for 2010,
Robyn Trask
Executive Director
Loving More Non-profit