We are overjoyed to announce that Loving More's pending 501c(3) non-profit status has been approved and the status is retroactive to May 2006. This means we are officially a tax deductible charitable organization dating back to May 2006. The non-profit status allows us to apply for both public and private grants, receive tax deductible donations and exempts us from most sales tax requirements. Loving More now has to apply for Colorado State Tax Exemption which will simply be submitting the 501(c)3.
Tax deductible donations can only be taken for the year in which the donations were made. For those who may have contributed over $1,000 and who itemize your tax return, it may be worth filing an amended return for previous years donations. Contact your accountant or the IRS directly to find out what your options are. (www.irs.gov)
In addition to this great news, we here at Loving More have moved into our own office. The office is a shared space with room to teach classes and workshops. The space serves as both an office and a center for polyamorous relationships. We will hold our first discussion group in the new class space for the Colorado poly community on Tuesday March 30 at 7:00pm. We will also have a Grand Opening on April 10 at 1:30pm.
This is a really big step forward for Loving More and for the poly community. Now more than ever we need your help in meeting our financial goal of raising $30,000 in donations. We have raised thus far this year $8,075 but we have a long way to go.
We are also seeking help from people who have experience in applying for grants. Please contact us at 970-667-5683 if you have knowledge of grant writing or finding suitable grants.
Donations are a big help. DONATE