Loving More Met with Smiles and Some Tears at Denver Pride

Loving More has participated in Denver Pride Fest, the third biggest Pride Event in the US, off and on since 2006 both to support the GLBT community and to bring awareness and support of polyamory to Pride. When we first had booths in 2006 and 2007 we didn’t receive a warm welcome; in fact many people were openly hostile and most people gave our booth a wide berth as they walked past. We took a couple of years off from Pride due to scheduling and financial concerns but returned in 2013 combining booths with a local Denver group (Denver Metro Poly Group or DMPG). In sharp contrast to 2006 our booth was very busy with many folks just stopping by to say thanks for what we do and for being there. It was great.
This year in addition to a booth we gathered together folks from the local community and entered the Pride Parade. This year both the booth at Pride Fest and our parade participation were welcomed by attendees. In all we handed out 4,000 pieces of literature containing information on polyamory and resources including 1,200 FAQ brochures, 1,500 cards, Loving More Brochures and a resource list with local and national polyamory resources. Even with all this we ran out of information to hand out by mid-day Sunday and could have handed out more. The booth and the parade were a great success and a lot of fun. We spoke with many people who had questions and helped people find support and groups that could meet their individual needs. Many people were thrilled to learn they were not alone and a few were even moved to tears.
To pull this off took a lot of work and money. In all we spent over $1,100 on Pride this year.
• $250 for the booth space (Nonprofit discount price)
• $195 for the Parade entry
• $40 for liability insurance required by the Center
• $635 on printing and art supplies for the parade.
This list does not include equipment (tent, tables etc) or transportation and lodging for the volunteer staff who worked the booth, decorated cars and handed out information.
DONATE NOW To support Polyamory Awareness and Education.
Loving More Nonprofit News

Loving More has had a busy year thus far. Poly Living Philadelphia in February had 175 attendees and that was with the severe winter storms on the east coast this past winter. We look forward to breaking our record of 200 attendees in February 2015. Our first Colorado full weekend conference, Rocky Mountain Poly Living, was also a great success with 150 attendees from all over the Rocky Mountain Region and the US, a great start for the first event.
The late spring found us dealing with the threat of flood issues again from a combination of spring run-off and leftover issues from September's devastating floods. We are well on the road to recovering, though still dealing with the lingering physical and emotional issues of clean up, as well as the damage and challenges the flood caused for Loving More and our staff.
With the flood threat behind us we are moving forward to get Loving More Nonprofit up and running in full swing with many opportunities to propel the polyamory movement and Loving More forward.
Upcoming Outreach & Speaking Engagements
Many opportunities are on the horizon. Your donations help support these efforts.
In July Loving More Nonprofit will be working with SlutWalk Denver to educate people on the unique challenges that polyamorous people can experience with slut shaming and when they are survivors of a sexual assault. Our Executive Director, Robyn Trask, will be speaking at the SlutWalk event, July 12 at Denver Civic Center Park and Loving More will have an information table.
In August, in addition to hosting the Rocky Mountain Poly Campout, Robyn and her daughter Marina are scheduled to present Raising Children in a Polyamorous and Sex Positive Family at the Woodhull Sexual Freedom Summit in DC. Loving More is a sponsor of the event and excited to be participating.